February 6, 2020
I have SUCH an incredible job, for so many reasons. Some days I sit in my comfy chair with a cup of hot tea and just think about all the strong women that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting over the past 4 years. All of these women have come from different walks of life, had different experiences, want different things, and yet all want something of the same thing — to heal. The would love to put an end to the voice in their mind that says that they are not good enough in some way or another.
Now let’s be real, we don’t love ourselves every single day. We don’t think that our bodies are strong and magnificent everyday. While that would be ideal, it’s unrealistic; bad days happen. The goal is to have way more good days than bad days and to be able to remind ourselves that we are still worthy and enough on the bad days.
I can’t count the number of times when people {usually men} have approached me and said something like “wow, you are so lucky to get to take pictures of women in their underwear.” I can’t really blame them for this simple thought, often they’re just trying to make conversation and this is their odd way of giving me a compliment. The work that Erin and I do through boudoir is MUCH bigger than pictures in your underwear. Women come to us for a variety of reasons but at its core, they come to us to show themselves love.
I will never forget this one client I had, she applied for a model call and her application was so real and raw, I knew this experience would help her so much. A few days before her session she called me and I could hear all the fear in her voice. She called and asked me a few questions about the images, but I think she really originally wanted to call to cancel her session. Thankfully, she didn’t. She was quiet at arrival to the studio and quiet during hair and makeup. When it was time to get up from the makeup chair she had big tears flowing down her cheeks. She was terrified. She told us all she could hear in that moment was her ex’s voice telling her she wasn’t pretty enough/young enough/good enough. That ugly voice was echoing so loud in her mind that she was completely questioning why she ever signed up for this experience, there was no way she could do it. I asked her to give me 5 minutes, if after 5 minutes of shooting she didn’t start to feel better, she could leave. She took a calming breath and agreed. This wonderful woman stayed for her entire session, she absolutely rocked it; she smiled and had fun. When we were done I could see the realization hit her that she had done it! He was wrong, his voice was gone, he couldn’t hold her down anymore. It was her time to LIVE.
Boudoir isn’t about pretty photos of you in pretty outfits. It’s about challenging the version of yourself that you have in your mind, placed there by the opinions of others. We all have someone who’s changed the way we view ourselves, whether we are aware of it or not. We all have insecurities about ourselves that were caused by perfect people portrayed in the media. Boudoir is a bit of therapy where you outline your comfort zone and begin the journey of stepping outside of it and challenging those negative thoughts. You’ll be in a safe place where you can explore this new way of seeing yourself through new eyes. You’ll get to see your courage and strength coming out. We’ll treat you like the goddess that you know you are and teach you to accept nothing less than that. When you leave us you’ll know exactly what confident and proud feels like for yourself. You will want to keep that feeling and hold tightly to it. Moving forward you will see the same physical body in the mirror, but you’ll realize that all the flaws you saw there before are only perception. You’ll realize that you are beautiful AND strong AND sexy/brave/inspiring/adventurous. Boudoir is your beginning, your new path filled with blossoms and warmth.
If you’re ready to lean into your fear and push your comfort zone with a boudoir session just submit a quick little inquiry form. You’re going to love the view at the top of the mountain! Join us in our private facebook group to see what we’re up to today
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