boudoir, dark and moody, backlighting

I Pushed her off the Ledge

June 18, 2018

I had been thinking about what I was going to do with her session for a few days. One of my goals for sessions is to help you out of your comfort zone, just a little bit, to show you that that is where growth happens. I create a safe space, I let you get comfortable enough to open up, and then I nudge you along on your journey to self-discovery. This time it went a little differently.

Lisa walked into the studio with a nervous laugh and an unsure smile. On the outside, to many people, she would have looked confident and ready. Her personality has this amazing way of taking over a room. I could feel that she was ready to take a major leap, even though she wasn’t confident that she could. Lisa wanted to love herself, she wanted to see what others saw, and she wanted to feel empowered. I walked her right up to the edge of her comfort zone… and I pushed her off. She trusted me the whole way. She knew I was right there with her. She knew this is where big change happens.

She accepted the challenge and she soared.

I don’t always push my clients, sometimes we just dip our toes in. When you inquire about a session I spend a lot of time getting to know you, learning about what you really want and need from your session, and learning about your struggles and your triumphs. I custom build every session for every client, each one is unique just like you are unique. I read your cues, I listen to your heart, and I decide what I need to do with you to best help you get what you’re needing. Not everyone needs to be pushed off the ledge.

This is what Lisa had to say about her experience:

“I am a fly off the handle, cram every bit of activity into a short amount of time, & spaz over things not going according to plan type of mom.
I am a worker. I work a lot to provide the best possible life for my children and to support my family.
Everything I do, typically is for everyone else.
I try to be a people pleaser, I try to be mom of the year, I try to be involved at every family event and school event that I can cram into my already so crammed life.
Basically, my life is lived for others.

Well, that was until Crystal started this boudoir group and it sparked my interest. Could it possibly be a place where everyone accepted one another and built each other up?! No way! Do these women really want the best for each other and want to feel beautiful in their own skin?! Whoa. Couldn’t be true! I would put my kids to bed and be like damn, look at them chicks go! I thought to myself, holy cow I want to do that but I never have the time, nor had the courage to actually go forward with it. I had just recently found out I was expecting my very unexpected 4TH CHILD, what the heck else could happen?! Crystal must have known I needed this session more than I did and I am forever grateful.

I messaged Crystal multiple times with questions and comments. She would tell me to relax, she’s got me, and she did. She knew exactly what I wanted, what I wasn’t comfortable with, what would push me over the edge, and she made me do it all anyways. Erin killed it with the makeup, she really helped to relax me with talking about everything under the sun. I am so thankful looking back at the pictures and knowing that’s me,
the woman who has been the run ragged momma,
the exhausted manager,
the pulled in 50 million directions partner.
That’s ME.
My images are amazing. I felt like I was on cloud 9 walking out of her studio! 

The session wasn’t too long, but it was long enough to unleash something inside of me. Through my nervous laughter, self-conscious smirk, and thinking I was awkward, a confidence appeared that I didn’t even know was possible. Crystal worked her magic, it was amazing! The session, the ME time, the lasting memories, the pictures, MY book, everything that goes into you making the choice to do something for your self is beyond worth it.

When you give yourself a moment to just be you, and unleash that hidden self, you will never look at your images and have regret. You will smile, remember the experience, and know that you made the choice to put YOU as a priority! This experience has taught me to slow down some and do things more often for myself! I take a long bubble bath, I ignore the dishes, I buy the extra pair of shoes I don’t need. I even booked the trip without the kids! I told work no, I made a choice to be slightly more ME. You will not regret an hour of courage, for a life time of memories!!”

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What’s your comfort zone look like for you? When is the last time you stepped out of it? How about the last time that you did something that was just for yourself?  It’s ok to be selfish with your session! It’s ok to take care of you first once in a while, I promise you’re never going to forget what an amazing feeling it is.
Hop on over to my facebook and shoot me a message, we can chat and I can answer all of your questions about how I can make this a reality for you.

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