April 30, 2018
I was so excited when Miss E contacted me to get information about a session. She and I share similar lives because we both have two young kiddos, a boy and a girl, we’ve grown up in similar towns, went to the same dance studio, and the same school. I really felt like I already knew her, she has been struggling through a lot of the same things that I am currently struggling through as a momma.
Her first message came in very similar to most of the other messages that I get, she wanted an amazing gift for her husbands birthday. You guys have been with me for a minute and you know that my number 1 priority is not him, it’s YOU. It’s totally ok to want to gift your images, but I’m going to make you think about what it means for you first. As a young mom I knew a lot of what her daily life looked like, and I just knew it had been a little while since she had taken time out for just herself.
When she came into the studio it was like catching up with an old friend. Our souls walked similar paths and really recognized each other! I knew she was absolutely gorgeous and I knew she was having a tough time seeing it after having two babies. She felt that she lost the confidence in that part of herself because she has spent so much of her time these days keeping up with small kiddos. It was time to give her the space where she could just be herself again, not the stay at home mom, not the caregiver, not the wife… just herself.
We had an awesome session, we hugged it out, and we got ready to view her images. After her viewing I got such an amazing message in my inbox that I just have to share with you. My goal is always to help you find you and reconnect with you. My goal is not to impress your husband, he’s super easy, you’re the one that I need to lift up!
“My husband was the one that actually brought up boudoir to me a little over a year ago. When he first brought it up, the idea terrified me! I’ve always been very modest and the thought of posing in front of someone else with just undies on totally freaked me out! Not only that, but after having two amazing babies, I somewhat “lost” myself you could say, my priorities were them.
I put myself on the back burner and put everything I had into my kiddos and family. For the past 2 years I have been fortunate enough to be a stay at home momma with my babes and also provide care for some other amazing kids! But with that comes dirt, diapers, and lots of messes!
After seeing Crystal’s Facebook posts about still making time for yourself and knowing your self worth I knew I had to do this! I say it’s a gift for my husband but it was also a gift for myself! From the pampering with Erin in the beginning of the session, to the actual photo shoot, it was all about ME! And it was amazing! When I had my viewing, the pictures were so much better than I could have ever imagined! I said to Crystal, “it made me realize this momma still has it!!”
I am so happy that I didn’t follow my initial feeling and I went for it! And I can’t wait to see my hubby’s reaction!”
Have you thought about having a boudoir experience so you can gift images to someone special? Are you curious about what you can get out of it for just yourself? It’s so ok to be selfish with your session! I can help you get both girl!
Hop on over to my facebook and shoot me a message, we can chat and I can answer all of your questions about how I can make this a reality for you.
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